Танай байгууллага нийгмийн хариуцлагын хүрээнд хэр их сайн дурын ажил зохион байгуулдаг вэ?
Байнга | Тогтмол | Төвлөгөөг хөтөлбөртэй
Заримдаа | Завтай болон боломжтой үедээ л
Хичээдэг | Харамсалтай манайд ийм хөтөлбөр байхгүй
Үгүй | Заавал ийм хөтөлбөр байх шаардлаггүй
Дэмжигч байгууллагуудын нээлттэй ажлын байр
- 2023 / 04 / 05
APCC (Asia-Pacific Career Conference) ОУ-н арга хэмжээг дэмжин оролцогч  SKYTEL | СКАЙТЕЛ КОМПАНИ -н хамт олон таныг дараах нээлттэй ажлын байранд урьж байна.

About us


Skytel (Sky telecommunications) is a Mongolian information technology company, headquartered in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 

In terms of subscribers, Skytel is the 3rd largest mobile operator with a quarter of the market share. As of 2022, Skytel was ranked the 68th largest company in Mongolia by the composite of revenues, profits, assets, and taxes. 


Skytel provides broadband internet, IPTV services through Skymedia, and OTT video-on-demand services through SkyGO. The company also owns 50% of Skynetworks, a nationwide Fiber optic infrastructure operator. Skytel has 65 branches and over 7000 retail shops across Mongolia, and it's roaming network covers another 240 countries worldwide. 


Skytel Group was founded in 1999 and was a joint venture between Mongolian and Korean firms. In 2010, Skytel became a 100% indigenous enterprise with equal shareholders of Altai Holding and Shunkhlai Holding, two of Mongolian largest privately held firms. 


Website: www.skytel.mn  

Twitter link: https://twitter.com/SkytelOfficial 

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/skytelofficial 

Email: info@skytel.mn 

Application for talent pool: sarnai@skytel.mn or




We are looking for an enthusiastic, driven product specialist to join our product marketing team.

Responsibilities include conducting market research and analyzing tech-trends, gathering feedback, and offering new product development requirements to the engineering and technical team. You may also be tasked with testing new products, as well as assisting with new product launch activities.

To be successful as a digital product specialist, you must have a passion for the tech and mobile products you work with and keep expanding mobile product knowledge. Outstanding digital product specialists should have a keen eye for spotting market trends, and the ability to work both independently and within a team.

Product Specialist Responsibilities:

§  Collaborating and strategizing with the business and engineering teams.

  • Supporting the development of new products 
  • Improving the development of existing products

§  Attending workshops and refresher courses in sales and marketing.

§  Planning and assisting with new product releases and events.

§  Performing product demonstrations for customers, staff, and other stakeholders.

§  Assisting with the development of business plans.

§  Scheduling training sessions and attending meetings as required.

§  Identifying new market opportunities and relaying this information to the Manager and other relevant stakeholders.

§  Making helpful product recommendations and suggestions to increase subscribers and revenue.

Product Specialist Requirements:

§  Bachelor diploma in Business administration/Marketing/Economy/Financial analysis

§  Superb verbal and written communication skills

§  A strong growth mindset

§  Fluent in Mongolian, High Proficiency English



To apply this vacancy please send the your CV to sarnai@skytel.mn


1.    Network Planning Engineer


·       Job Title Definition:

o   The Network Planning Engineer is a professional who plays a significant role in the maintenance of an internal and external network of an organization. They lead the newest project and research of the new technologies. And made an analyze of system design and load conditions. Maintaining and administering computer networks and related computing environments including systems software, applications software, hardware, and configurations.


·       Job Title Qualifications:

o   Must have a bachelor degree in Network Engineer

o   Knowledge of the system protocols.(BGP, OSPF, ISIS)

o   Experience in the network engineering field, and ability to work in a Linux environment

o   An intermediate level in English must have more.

o   Positive professional attitude, wanting to learn from new technologies and challenging opportunities

o   Good communication skills.

o   Ability to work with all levels of staff within and outside of the organization.



·       Preferred:

·       Have CISCO certificate or other certificate to related field.

·       Experience with developing networking systems.


2.    System Developer


·       Job Title Definition:

o   This specialty covers the development, installation, implementation, modification, and support of new or existing applications software. 


·       Job Title Qualifications:

o   Must have a bachelor's degree of Computer Science or Software Programming and Developer

o   Knowledge of the software applications.

o   Proficiency in popular coding languages including Python, Java, and C++

o   Ability to work on MySQL and Unix test systems.

o   An intermediate level in English must have more.

o   Positive professional attitude, wanting to learn from new and challenging opportunities


·       Preferred:

o   Knowledge of Glassfish/Payara server.  

o   Willingness to work longer.


3. System Analyst

·       Job Title Definition:

o   examining current systems

o   talking to users (requirements gathering)

o   producing specifications for new or modified systems

o   liaising with other IT staff such as programmers to produce new systems

o   implementing new systems


·       Job Title Qualifications:

o   Proven work experience as a system analyst

o   Hands on experience with software development and documentation

o   Working knowledge of SAP business software applications

o   Familiarity with programming languages like Visual Basic, C++ and Java

o   Ability to explain technical details

o   Excellent analytical skills

o   A good problem-solving attitude

o   A bachelor degree in Computer Science or relevant field


·       Preferred:

o    Knowledge of business operations, systems requirements and IT processes.

o   Willingness to work longer.

Хэрэв та тус нээлттэй ажлын байрыг сонирхож байвал info@mhri.mn хаяг руу өөрийн CV-г илгээнэ үү.
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